I met the young man in this picture about a week ago when I had to fill in for his usual escort. He is a 21-year-old Iraqi from Nasiriyah; his name is Sattar. The first time I saw him, I was absolutely horrified. You see, the tank of blue water that he is standing above is the neon-blue sanitation water that is the toilet water of portable bathrooms. In the picture, he is filling the tank with water, which has the concentrated blue chemical added to it. Well, before the concentrated blue chemical is diluted inside the tank that you see, it is stored in a 55 gallon drum, which gets syphoned out into a smaller container, and eventually poured into the white tank that you see. About 30 seconds before I met Sattar for the first time, he was apparently having trouble getting the hose to begin its syphoning...so, naturally, he placed the hose into his mouth and sucked. Hard. Too hard, and too long. The hose was not a clear hose, and before he knew it, he had a mouthful of royal-blue, industrial-strength, toilet disinfectant. All I could hear was a horrific scream, nay, a screaming gurgle, as he attempted to spit the caustic substance onto the sand. I was in shock. He was laughing. You must also understand the extreme to which this liquid stains everything it comes in contact with. 6 hours later, he looked like he had just eaten a Smurf, whole (I'm assuming smurfs have blue blood). His teeth and tongue were still blue the next morning. I later learned that he had done the same thing the week before, but with gasoline. The title of this post is the new nickname I have given him, to which he takes great pleasure in- "fu#%@ng crazy", in Arabic.
Now, let us also take a look at the company he works for, "Future Services". I do not understand this name. What does it mean? If I call them because I am interested in their business, will they simply inform me that "no, sir, I am sorry, we cannot perform our services until a later time...."?
"But I need this done now!"
"I am sorry, sir, we are Future Services."
It doesn't make any sense, and I don't like it.
Don't ask why, or how I know, but you are correct in thinking that Smurfs have blue blood.
OMGoodness!!! I agree with your title. . . and for once, this is a post I understand (the content, not the concept of what he's done). Let me know when the cookies arrive. . . in I'd say, what? a month?
This Marine, all messed up from Vietnam, went to the hospital to get checked. Because of the war, his brain was all screwed up, and all he could say was the words to the Marines hymn.
So the doctor asked his name, he replied, "From the halls of Montezuma..."
The doctor decided to remove part of his brain, thinking that would cure it. When the doctor did this, the Marine still said "From the halls of Montezuma..."
The doctor figured he did not remove enough of the brain. So after removing some more, the marine still only said those words.
The doctor, now getting frustrated, decided to take the rest of the brain out. Now the Marine, with no brain, stood up and started singing, "Be all that you can be..."
This fragile young man possesses the face of many young Latinos I see driving on the busy, smog-filled Los Angeles freeways. This grin of reckless energy and a magnanimous sense of entitlement and fearlessness that only a person raised in a country lacking of beautiful women with proper hygiene. However, their naivete' allows them to perform tasks that the rest of us would not normally do and come out with a smile on their faces. God Bless you, Manute.
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